AmEx Gold 去年進行了改版,強勢增加了吃飯超市4x、$120 dining credit 的持有福利,另外5w MR的 public 的開卡獎勵也很慷慨, 我們的年終調查顯示 AmEx Gold 一舉成為了2018年開卡數量最多的信用卡。
改版之後,我把 AmEx Gold 裝入錢包當中,MR每點按照1.6cents計算的話,4倍MR就是6.4%,吃飯超市的回報率相當高了。一切都挺好的,唯一美中不足的是大部分的中餐館都不能刷AmEx卡,也罷也罷,我有 CSR (Chase Sapphire Reserve) 當備卡。
這兩家店都清晰地標明 Category: Restaurant – Restaurant,我真的很詫異了,這中間究竟有何貓膩?
懷著好奇的心理我撥通了熱線電話,不,我打開了online chat 找了客服。客服也是含糊不清,說這些商家沒有註冊成為US restaurant,AmEx的賬單里清清楚楚明明白白列成了Restaurant,為啥返點就不能按Restaurant來呢?有點令人費解哦。客服幫我開了個case說很久以後就可以有消息了 = =。
- To earn additional points for a restaurant purchase, the purchase must be at a restaurant located in the United States. 額外返點的餐館消費必須在美國
- You will NOT earn additional points for purchases made at a restaurant owned by a U.S. company but located outside the U.S. (e.g. Hard Rock Café in Paris). 美國牌子的連鎖餐廳但在消費美國之外,不給額外返點。
- You may not earn additional points for purchases at a restaurant located within another establishment (e.g. a restaurant inside a hotel, casino, or event venue). For example, purchases made at a restaurant located within a hotel may be recognized as a purchase at a hotel, not a restaurant. 酒店內的餐廳可能會被歸類為酒店而不是餐廳,沒有額外返點,客服提到了這個;
- You also will NOT earn additional points for purchases at nightclubs and convenience stores. 夜店和便利店不額外返點;
- Eligible purchases are purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. 退款或者其他的credit的那部分不給額外返點;
- Eligible purchases do NOT include fees or interest charges, purchases of gift cards, purchases of travelers checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of other cash equivalents. 禮品卡、prepaid card 或者cash equivalents都不多返點;
- Additional terms and restrictions apply. Merchants are assigned codes based on what they primarily sell. A purchase will not qualify for additional points if the merchant’s code is not eligible. 商家code是按照商家主要的生意來算,code不合適沒法多返點;
- Purchases made through a third-party payment account or on an online marketplace (with multiple retailers) will not qualify for additional points. 使用第三方進行支付可能沒法拿到多餘返點,online marketplace (多個商家) 不多返點;
- A purchase may not qualify for additional points if the merchant submits the purchase using a mobile or wireless card reader or if you use a mobile or digital wallet. 用手機支付,電子錢包支付拿不到多餘返點,商家使用手機或者無線的card reader也沒有多返點。
Local Boy Sushi – 詳單里可以看到squareup.com的字樣,商家用了square來進行收費,因為是小餐館,可能店家用了手機的card reader或者是wireless card reader,極有可能違反了最後一條;
ADEGA – 這筆消費是網上的預訂,大概直接被算作了cash equivalents,禮品卡、prepaid card 或者cash equivalents都不多返點 😢😢😢
- 在乎返點的讀者可以留個心眼,稍微讀下上面的term或許就可以避免少拿多餘返點的情況;
- 吃飯還有很多其他的卡,比如 Citi Prestige 現在給5X TYP了,更多選擇請參考 《吃飯該選哪張信用卡?》