

我們知道,加航是販賣里程的重災區,原因有以下幾個:一是加航點數來源非常廣泛,從美國AmEx MR,Chase UR,到加拿大AmEx MR以及Chase、加拿大AmEx,加拿大TD,加拿大CIBC聯名信用卡等等,都可以獲得Aeroplan里程;二是因為加航的Latitude點數票可以免費退票,因此非常方便給部分票販子佔位。比如之前全日空的里程票,一旦放出來就可以使用Aeroplan里程Latitude佔位,這樣就可以對全日空商務艙形成壟斷優勢,一旦真有旅客需要的時候,一邊釋放里程票一邊直接出給客人即可;三是因為Aeroplan里程有Family Sharing功能,因此票販子可以把許多小額加航賬戶聯繫起來,形成一個多點數的Family Sharing賬戶,從來積少成多的給客人出票。

為了應對日益嚴重的違規行為,加航採取了若干措施,一是下架了網上所有涉及中國內地以及香港地區的非加航執飛的里程票兌換功能,因此除非兌換加航溫哥華直飛上海或者香港,其他所有中國大陸和香港的里程票都必須電話兌換;二是下架了全日空的里程票的網上兌換,因為全日空是「佔位」重災區,因此兌換全日空也必須電話;三是暫停了新建Family Sharing。






You can only enroll in the Aeroplan Program once, individually, using your full legal name exactly as it appears on your passport or if you don』t have a passport, on a government-issued identification. Each Member may only have one Account.  Any attempt by an individual to register more than one Account by using the same or multiple different email addresses, identities, registrations, logins, or any other method(s), may void all Aeroplan Points that have been awarded or scheduled to be awarded to that Member, and that Member maybe disqualified from participating in the Aeroplan Program or any aspect thereof.

二、打擊不合規的Family Sharing活動

Family Sharing是大家非常喜歡的一個Aeroplan特色,一家最多八個人可以一起累計積分,所以就算不擼信用卡,光靠飛行,一家8個人一起累積,還是很容易在短期內拿到比較高的一個積分,然後給其中一個人進行兌換。不過越來越多的違規代理利用這個規定,把很多小額Aeroplan賬號(可能是替客人不知情的情況下註冊的賬號)利用Family Sharing串聯一起,積少成多,利用這些賬號最後再給客人出里程票,達到一魚多吃的目的。從今年夏天開始,Aeroplan就暫停了新建Family Pool的功能,直到如今也沒有恢復,這樣看來很可能要到明年2月份該功能才會從新上線。加航如今強調必須是真Family,而且有權利調查Pool內成員的關係,最後如果一個人違規,他們有權利沒收Pool內所有成員賬號和積分:

Aeroplan reserves the right to request that you validate your family relationship with other Family Members at any time. If we suspect any untruthful, fraudulent or illicit activity related to a Pool or a Family Member in the Pool in any way, we may, at our sole discretion, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to us, temporarily or permanently prohibit any or all Family Members from participating in a Pool or from accumulating or redeeming Aeroplan Points, or we may suspend or terminate the Pool, any or all of the associated Aeroplan Memberships and close any or all of the associated Accounts.



All Aeroplan Points in an inactive Account are forfeited. Unless otherwise permitted by Aeroplan, in its sole discretion, your Account becomes inactive if you have not accumulated or redeemed Aeroplan Points for 18 consecutive months. If an Account is inactive for 3 consecutive years, we reserve the right to terminate your Aeroplan Membership, close your Account and reassign your Aeroplan number.


這個其實去年就開始實行了。我們知道Aeroplan信用卡在加拿大有CIBC、TD和AmEx三個聯名發卡行,分佈有低端,中端和高端卡,每個等級內的開卡獎勵只能拿一次,商業卡也有高端和低端之分,也都只能拿一次。比如CIBC有0年費的Visa低端卡,139年費的Visa Infinite中端卡和599年費的Visa Infinite Privilege高端卡;TD有89年費的Visa低端卡,139年費的Visa Infinite中端卡和599年費的Visa Infinite Privilege高端卡;AmEx有120年費的Aeroplan中端卡,599年費的Aeroplan Reserve高端卡。所有這些系列,低端只能拿1次,中端只能拿1次,高端只能拿1次,商業低端卡只能拿1次,商業高端卡只能拿1次。目前來看,這些開卡獎勵應該不會影響美國的Chase Aeroplan卡。

New Card Bonus is intended as an incentive for a Member to become a holder of an Aeroplan Credit Card where that Member is neither currently, nor was previously, a holder of that type of Aeroplan Credit Card, regardless of issuer (e.g., entry, core, premium, core small business, premium small business, or any other card that has a substantially similar level of benefits) for which the New Card Bonus is being offered. This means that a Member may be granted a maximum of one New Card Bonus for each type of Aeroplan Credit Card that the Member becomes a holder of, regardless of issuer.


(i) applying for, transferring or switching (including upgrading or downgrading), or completing any other product changes between multiple Aeroplan Credit Cards across one or more product types, or across one or more financial institutions that issue an Aeroplan Credit Card; (ii) a pattern of cancelling, or disengaging in, an Aeroplan Credit Card shortly after receiving a New Card Bonus (or any portion of a New Card Bonus) or similar bonus or incentive; (iii) a pattern of purchasing and then cancelling or returning any product or service for which Aeroplan Points were issued; and (iv) linking your Aeroplan Credit Card to an Account that is not your own Account.



Reasons for suspension, revocation or termination include, but are not limited to:  (iv)  any attempt to participate in the Aeroplan Program via script, macro or other automated means;



加航Aeroplan為了打擊一人多號、違規佔位、違規建立family sharing賬號、反覆擼信用卡開卡獎勵、違規利用爬蟲爬Aeroplan網站等行為,更新了服務條款。至於這些條款對打擊代理,恢復涉及中國的里程票網上兌換,以及恢復全日空的里程票網上兌換是否能起到積極的作用,讓我們拭目以待。


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