

卡多的朋友們可能手上都攢了好多 Free Night (FN) 或點數,估計不少朋友都想過是不是可以送給在國內的家人朋友使用。另外酒店高級會員往往有豐厚的福利,最實用的比如升級房型、免費早餐,也有朋友會好奇是否可以用自己的高級會員賬戶給家人朋友訂房,讓他們享受會員福利。這篇文章我們就討論一下這個可能有點擦邊球的話題。

1. 我的點數可以給別人訂房嗎?




(2)添加同住人。我們也可以網上正常訂點數房,然後添加同住人,和上面直接贈與的方式主要區別就是你自己的名字依然在預訂里。不過如果你自己不到場 check in,偶爾會造成家人朋友無法入住的情況,尤其是中國的Hilton,所以點數房在國內Hilton給其他人訂的話還是上面的直接贈與的方式比較穩妥。


2. 我的房券 Free Night (FN) 可以給別人訂房嗎?

這個問題看起來和上面的很相似,但實際上點數和 Free Night (FN) 之間是有一定區別的。準確說,點數可以用來給別人預訂(如上面所述)是條款確認的,但 FN 的界定在條款里確很模糊,導致實際結果完全由具體情況而定。在大多數酒店的系統里,FN 發下來之後就和賬戶主人名字掛鈎,無法修改。

所以一般來說,用 FN 給別人預訂的操作方式是:預訂→添加同住人→完成入住。

用FN給別人訂房在國內是肯定行不通的,大家就不要以身試法了。即使往日管的比較松的北美地區,近期各大集團可能注意到了出售 FN 謀利這個現象,於是也開始限制 FN 添加同住人的行為了。在這裡提醒大家注意。

有一個例外是 World of Hyatt。在 Hyatt 系統里,Free Night Award (FNA) 這個東西是可以贈送的,而 Hyatt 認為點數兌換和使用 FN certificate 都算 Free Night Award(其他各種券不算FNA)。所以 Hyatt FN 券原則上可以通過改名的方式以完全符合條款的方式贈送給別人。

3. 別人可以享受我的會員待遇嗎?

按照規定,只有會員本人在的房間才能享受待遇,現金、點數或者 FN 兌換在待遇上沒區別。

所以嚴格說加同住人後會員自己不去 check in 的話,客人是不能獲得會員待遇的。但一般情況下酒店也懶得管,這樣實際去 check in 的人就可以順利享受待遇了。

但情況不總是這麼簡單,尤其是在亞洲。在亞洲,很多時候酒店會認真確認本人是否到店,尤其是中國和日本。一種解決辦法是會員和入住人一起去 check in,然後會員自己離開。不過有時候酒店甚至會通過監控數人的方式來確認是否有這樣的行為(尤其是國內)。所以一般人在亞洲就不建議這麼弄了,容易出問題。

World of Hyatt 有一個例外,如果是 Hyatt Globalist(環球客),那麼從自己賬戶里出積分給別人訂房,別人也可以享受環球客待遇。這個是 Hyatt 著名的 Guest of Honor (GoH) 條款,也是讓 Hyatt 廣受稱讚的一點,在各大集團中是唯一一家允許正大光明的給家人朋友直接贈送待遇的。直接讓環球客電話客服給受益人兌換就行,入住的時候注意一下前台是否給了待遇,沒給的話提醒一下就好。要注意只有純點數贈與的兌換才算 GoH(Points + Cash 這些就不算)。


4. 盡量不要在中國添加同住人


所以除非你和酒店完全溝通好了,在國內想給別人訂房,最好的辦法就是直接指定 gift award,想要待遇就用 Hyatt GoH 政策。

5. 如何添加同住人

在主流的 Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, IHG 這幾個常旅客項目里,Hilton 和 IHG 預訂時在網上就可以直接添加同住人信息。而 Marriott 及 Hyatt 就需要聯繫客服或者酒店來添加 additional guest。

Hilton 預訂頁面添加同住人

IHG 預訂頁面添加同住人

6. 總結

點數房大部分時候添加同住人這個辦法沒問題,但國內管的比較嚴最好提前確認。如果希望毫無問題完成入住,最好選擇從客服那裡直接用點數給受益人訂房,或者選擇 Hyatt 的 Guest of Honor (GoH) 福利。Hyatt 之外的集團,使用 FN 在國內給別人訂房完全行不通,在往日管的比較寬鬆的北美地區現在也開始出現了一些失敗的數據點。


這個話題比較敏感,準確說,很多時候是在打擦邊球,畢竟是可能違反酒店 terms & condition 的。但我們也理解很多時候,大家希望用自己的賬戶幫親朋好友訂房:

  • 如果是付費住宿,你可以拿到點數和有效入住/晚數。點數入住的,SPG/Marriott/IHG/Hilton 也是明文規定算是有效入住和晚數的。
  • 如果你是酒店高級會員,可以讓入住人也享受到你的會員帶來的待遇。


1. 基本流程


  • 登錄自己的會員賬戶,按照需求預定酒店
  • 將對方的名字加入 guest name list,否則對方到酒店了沒法 check in…如果自己能親自到場 check in,那麼這一步無所謂,而且自己去 ci 的話顯然更保險
  • 對方到達酒店正常辦理入住、退房

2. 添加同住人

如果自己無法到達酒店辦理入住,那麼肯定是要添加同住人的,根據酒店政策不同,添加的方法也稍有不同。下面括號中的 C 表示現金,P 表示點數,FN 表示 Free Night 房券:

  • IHG, Hilton(C/P/FN): 這兩家酒店在預訂的時候就可以添加同住人信息,在預定的時候選2人入住,然後注意一下預定界面的一行小字”Add additional guest”,點開就可以添加了。
    Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 5.38.30 PM

    IHG 頁面

    Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 5.38.47 PM

    Hilton 頁面

  • SPG, Marriott(C/P/FN): 這兩家沒有辦法直接在網頁添加同住人信息,需要預定之後致電酒店或者客服人工添加,記得多核對一下名字是不是正確的哦~
  • Hyatt(C/FN):同上,預定完之後電話添加同住人就可以了。
  • Hyatt(P):Hyatt 集團有一個規定,會員可以直接從自己的賬戶用點數為他人訂房。如果點數出讓者是Globalist,受益人也可以享受到你的會員待遇(Guest of Honor,簡稱GOH)。直接在兌換點數預定的時候填別人名字就可以了。注意GOH只包含全Points預定,C+P不享受GOH政策。。

3. 免房券 (FN) 和點數房 (P) 的區別


  • 點數房按照規則是可以給他人預訂的,不過本人拿不到Stay/Night(SN);免房券則是不可轉讓的,必須本人入住
  • 一般來說,亞洲嚴格執行這套標準,北美則非常寬鬆,歐洲比較YMMV
  • 點數房在亞洲可以給他人入住,但是沒有待遇 (Hyatt除外)。免房券則非常危險,如果不是直系親屬,亞洲的酒店可能不讓Check-in (沒辦法,國內免房券販子太多),強烈不建議用免費券給國內的朋友換房,當然你人肉checkin除外。
  • 點數房和免房券在北美一般都可以順利入住,除Hyatt外,按照上面的流程,一般戶主都可以拿到SN

4. 注意事項


  • 付款:prepaid 的話直接就從你卡上扣了,別人到場可以用他們自己的卡刷押金就可以了。如果是到場再付款,刷他們自己的應該卡也沒問題。
  • 確定名字別錯的,這個是自然的。
  • 最好別告訴酒店你不會去,除非是 Hyatt 這種明確規定可以直接用點數為他人預定房間的。
  • 最好只給自己信任的人訂房,而且事先叮囑好不要造成任何額外費用,不然撕逼很麻煩的。
  • 在亞洲只能本人親自到場辦理入住。亞洲查的很嚴,比如中國很多酒店,本人不到場,且沒有用本人的卡或者現金付款,這間房的 stay/night/points 基本就別想拿到了,甚至本人到場了但是沒過夜也會被查(他們會看監控)
  • 如果你就是想單純幫別人訂個房(C/P),待遇/點數/有效入住都不要,那麼直接定的時候寫別人名字就可以了,或者聯繫客服表示 gift my points to xxx for a stay,不需要本人到場,全球通用。



1. IHG

If a third party beneficiary (instead of the Member who made the relevant booking) intends to check in at any Greater China properties (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) with a Reward Night, the Member must call the IHG Rewards Club Customer Care Centre no less than 7 days before the Reward Night stay date. Member must provide specific personal details of such third party beneficiary as requested by SCH for its registration and validation purposes. To change any provided information, the Member must follow the same procedure mentioned above.  If the Member fails to provide and/or change the requested information on time or the information provided is not correct for any reason, the third party beneficiary will not be able to check in at the front desk and the relevant booking will be cancelled. The above requirement for third party beneficiary check-in applies to all Reward Nights earned through Stays, Points, promotions, or in any other way.

2. Marriott

3.1 Redeeming Points for Awards.

A Member may redeem Points to obtain certain awards and benefits (each an 「Award」 or 「Award Redemption」) including, without limitation, rooms at Participating Properties, Moments experiences, flights, and other services and merchandise.  A full listing of current Award Redemption options is available on the Loyalty Program website under USE POINTS.」

3.1.a.  Points and Awards may not be exchanged or redeemed by a Member for cash, prizes or credit.

3.1.b.  Points posted as the result of a transfer or earned from the use of credit cards may not be redeemable for certain Awards.

3.1.c.  Awards are valid only for use by the individual designated on the Award and are not transferable, although, if requested at the time of issuance, an Award may be issued to a third party.  Third party transfers or transfers to non-Members are limited to twenty (20) Awards in a calendar year on a single Membership Account.  In the event an Award is given to a third party in accordance with the prior sentence, neither the Member nor the third party will earn any Points/Miles, Elite Night Credit, Qualifying Nights, or Qualifying Stays in connection with such Award.  At check-in, the guest using the Award may be required to show valid identification and provide a credit card to the Participating Property for incidental charges.

3.1.d.  Awards believed to have been bartered, sold, exchanged, or issued fraudulently, or issued to someone other than the eligible Member, will be void and will not be honored.

3. Hyatt

13. Gifting an Award. Members may request that certain awards be issued to another person. Free Night Awards, certain Room Upgrade Awards, and Points + Cash Awards are currently eligible to be gifted to another person, as permitted under this provision. Club Lounge Access Awards (defined below), Complimentary Suite Upgrade Awards (defined below), and non-stay awards (such as Dining, Spa and More Awards) are currently not eligible for gifting. In order to gift an award that is allowed to be gifted in the Program, a Member must comply with the following requirements:

A. The Award Reservation must be made by the Member who wishes to gift the award, but the reservation must be made in the name of the person who will actually use the award (i.e., the recipient of the gifted award).

B. The recipient of the award must provide photo identification and a credit card or cash deposit for incidentals at check-in.

C. Once an Award Reservation has been made, the reservation may not be transferred. The reservation may only be used by the person whose name appears on the reservation. The reservation may be cancelled in accordance with the applicable hotel, resort, or other participating property』s cancellation policy, in which event the award credit or the points redeemed for the award will be returned to the account of the Member who made the reservation.

D. Gifting of an award does not include the transfer of Program membership benefits, except where otherwise detailed in these Terms. For clarification, and without limiting any other provision in these Terms, Guest of Honor benefits (as described in Appendix C) apply only when a Globalist gifts a Free Night Award and not to any gift of a Room Upgrade Award or Points + Cash Award.

4. Hilton

The Reward may be issued to the Hilton Honors Member, or to any other person, as directed by the Member. Once issued, the Reward is not transferable and may be used only by the individual named on the Reward. If a person other than the individual named on the Reward documentation attempts to redeem the Reward, the Reward will be deemed void and accommodations and/or transportation will be denied.

A Reward Confirmation document redeemable for the Reward, requested by the Member, will be issued via the website when redeeming online, on the mobile app, or via Hilton Reservations and Customer Care.

Rewards may not be sold, auctioned, bartered, brokered, purchased or otherwise transferred except with the express written consent of Hilton Honors. Any Reward obtained in that manner without the required consent will be considered to have been fraudulently obtained and deemed void. Altered Rewards are void. Voided Rewards will not be honored.


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