2019年開始,BoA Cash Rewards 信用卡進行了一個改版,其3%返現的類別變成了在幾個類別中自己選擇一個。在這幾個選項中,最引人矚目的自然是 online shopping 類別,其涵蓋範圍可以很廣。類似於之前的 Citi AT&T 3x 類別商家列表收集貼,本帖也收集一下哪些商家在 BoA Cash Rewards 上算 online shopping 哪些不算。歡迎大家積極彙報數據點!
首先說一下,在這個文檔中,BoA 為 online shopping 類別明確列出了一些子類別是被排除了的,它們是:
- Insurance
- Utilities
- Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools and Junior Colleges
- Membership Organizations
- Doctors and Hospitals
- Government Services and Taxes
- Non-Retail Services
- Miscellaneous (裏面只有一項叫 POI Funding Transactions)
算作 3% 的商家
- aa.com
- airbnb.com
- amazon.com
- apple.com (includes iTunes & Store)
- bestbuy.com
- bhphotovideo.com
- cardcash.com
- cardpool.com
- costco.com
- dell.com
- dickssportinggoods.com
- ebay.com (without Paypal)
- ebay.com (via Paypal)
- etsy.com
- facebook marketplace
- giftcardmall.com
- giftcards.com 這裡數據點有衝突 歡迎大家繼續彙報
- groupon.com
- kohls.com
- homedepot.com
- kroger.com
- macys.com
- microsoftxboxlive.com
- mygiftcardsplus.com (via Paypal)
- neimanmarcus.com
- nike.com
- nordstrom.com
- officedepot.com
- points.com
- qvc.com
- raise.com
- rakuten.com
- samsclub.com 這裡數據點有衝突 有人說會被算作2%的類別wholesale 有可能2%的是自提的
- simon.com
- staples.com
- supremenewyork.com
- target.com
- ticketmaster.com
- uber
- walmart.com
- walmart pay
- wish.com
- yamibuy.com
不算 3% 的商家
- laundry machine charge
- mygiftcardsplus.com (without Paypal)
- plastiq.com (MasterCard version)
- southwest.com
- VENTRA (Chicago transit card) loading money in-app
- plastiq.com (Visa version): Visa版的 BoA Cash Rewards 卡在Plastiq的消費會被算作 Cash Advance 從而得不到任何返現。
Bank of America Cash Rewards (Visa issued cards only): This card cannot be used to make payments through Plastiq as such transactions will be treated as a cash advance, and incur all cash advance-related fees & receive no card rewards. We recommend changing the card to one that will not be impacted (as listed above).
HT: DoC.