

去年Chase曾经给部分用户发过调查,提到了他们可能在考虑限制Ultimate Rewards不同账户间的转点策略(见此文后半部分)。消息一出当然是人心惶惶,毕竟UR点数是大家的攒点主力之一。免年费Freedom/CFU+年费卡CSP/CSR的组合也一直被不管是不是博客的各种渠道在推荐。本以为Chase过了半年多了没啥动静可能是放弃这个想法了,毕竟会影响太多客户。

然而我们还是太 naive,人家其实一直就没放弃这个想法。

今天Frequent Miler收到消息(据他称是比较可靠的信息源):Chase又在考虑取消或者限制UR点数互转了。


  • 同一人名下的不同卡之间转点,比如Chase Freedom账户的点数转去Chase Sapphire Reserve
  • 同一地址的不同持卡人账户之间点数互转,比如我把我的CSR点数转去我老婆的CSR账户



无论如何,我们当然不希望这个情况真的发生,但愿和之前一样“不了了之”吧。不过以防万一,现在大家可以把点数都挪到年费卡上,反正你想把Freedom/Freedom Unlimited的点数转去航司也得先挪到CSP/CSR,不如就趁现在先做了。

H/T: Frequent Miler



Just did a Chase Customer Panel survey and saw some interesting stuff. They wanted to know how I would feel if they changed the current ability to transfer URs from any of my Chase accounts to the CSR to take advantage of the CSR’s 1.5 cpp redemption value for travel booked directly through the UR Portal. They offered a few different options for the change, including:

  1. “When you combine the Ultimate Rewards points on eligible Chase Cards they would retain their original redemption value – that is, when transferred the points would retain the redemption value of the product they were initially earned on. For example you would not earn a travel redemption bonus if your transfer from a no fee card to a Fee card.”
  2. You can only combine Ultimate Reward points between no-annual fee cards or between annual fee cards. You cannot combine Ultimate Rewards points between a no-annual fee card and an annual fee card.
  3. “You can combine Ultimate Rewards points on eligible Chase cards at a 3:2 conversion ratio. For example if you would like to transfer 15,000 points from your Freedom Unlimited card to your Sapphire Reserve account, your Sapphire Reserve would be credited with 10,000 points (a 3:2 ratio). The transferred points would be granted the redemption value and options of the account to which they are transferred into.”

Obviously all of these options are HUGE drawbacks because most people use the CF or CFU and then combine the points with their CSR balance for the 1.5 cpp travel redemption option.

None of these changes are confirmed, and it was just a survey, but they seem to be giving it some thought.


  1. 从Freedom攒的点数在CSP/CSR上使用(UR Portal预定旅行)也只能获得1c的价值,而不是1.25c/1.5c。
  2. 无年费卡的点数只能转给无年费卡,年费卡的点数只能转给年费卡。
  3. 从无年费卡转给年费卡比例变为3:2


H/T: msd2179 @ reddit,渣渣姐


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