AS 里程贬值即将贬值?

又一家航司里程贬值即将来临?这次很可能是广受欢迎的 Alaska Airlines 里程!根据美卡论坛用户 csiriusx 的发现,AS更新了网站上关于 award chart 的网页 (AS官网链接):

Update on partner awards

Good news for 2022!  Cathay Pacific awards will be available to book on in October and LATAM awards will be available before the end of 2022.

Starting late December, the way you view award charts online is changing. We’ll have a simplified award chart to show you where award levels start based on which regions you’re traveling from and to. With this change, similar to awards on Alaska, partner award levels may vary depending on multiple factors including route, distance, or demand. You’ll continue to be able to enjoy great value for your miles. As always, the best way to view pricing and availability for the routes you’re interested in flying is to search for your specific travel dates and destinations.

10月起就可以在AS网上预定CX里程票,年底前可以预定LATAM里程票。最重要的是,根据以上描述,12月的时候AS会更新伙伴兑换表,更新后的兑换表会更简单明了,但后果是 “partner award levels may vary depending on multiple factors including route, distance, or demand”。

目前看来这就是很明确要贬值的一个信号,往往航司或者酒店贬值自己积分都会打着simplicity, availability, convenience这类的招牌,掩盖一下贬值的真相。目前AS伙伴兑换表基本上还是很分离的,不同的伙伴对应不同的表格:大家熟悉的经典线路,比如北美-亚洲,用AS换CX头等只需要70k,但要是换KE商务舱都比这贵得多,换AA也比CX贵,那肯定大家都扎堆去换那些高价值的。其实这两年新加入的AS伙伴兑换表普遍都不咋样。根据描述,以后应该这些“零碎”的表格都会被统一,比如北美-亚洲,所有伙伴就用一个表,这很符合 a simplified award chart 的描述,代价就是CX这类超值兑换应该就没有了。

这些年大家已经看到了AA/UA/DL的各种贬值,AS能坚持到现在已经“难能可贵”了,要记得他们现在还是按飞行距离积累里程,那几家早就换按票价积累里程了。AS的贬值是迟早的事情,今年年初我们就预测不久的奖励 AS partner chart 会有一次大变动(参考此文),看看年底这一次究竟有哪些变化吧。


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