


UA CEO这次糟糕的公关表现也是一夜间让他沦为全民笑柄…..


这次事件中受伤的乘客 David Dao 在事后已聘请芝加哥著名律师 Thomas A. Demetrio 担任其代理律师(此律师同时也担任了AA前几天那个事件当事人的代理人),并且已经成功让法院要求当事方保存证据。本来之前大家一直猜测的是这一次会在法庭上让UA哭个爽(律师之前也说的考虑诉讼),不过最后还是庭外和解了,和解金额没有透露…说实话感觉有点快得出乎不少人预计。

与此同时,UA也给广大会员群发了一封道歉邮件:Actions Speak Louder than Words

Dear Mr. XXX,

Each flight you take with us represents an important promise we make to you, our customer. It’s not simply that we make sure you reach your destination safely and on time, but also that you will be treated with the highest level of service and the deepest sense of dignity and respect.

Earlier this month, we broke that trust when a passenger was forcibly removed from one of our planes. We can never say we are sorry enough for what occurred, but we also know meaningful actions will speak louder than words.

For the past several weeks, we have been urgently working to answer two questions: How did this happen, and how can we do our best to ensure this never happens again?

It happened because our corporate policies were placed ahead of our shared values. Our procedures got in the way of our employees doing what they know is right.

Fixing that problem starts now with changing how we fly, serve and respect our customers. This is a turning point for all of us here at United – and as CEO, it’s my responsibility to make sure that we learn from this experience and redouble our efforts to put our customers at the center of everything we do.

That’s why we announced that we will no longer ask law enforcement to remove customers from a flight and customers will not be required to give up their seat once on board – except in matters of safety or security.

We also know that despite our best efforts, when things don’t go the way they should, we need to be there for you to make things right. There are several new ways we’re going to do just that.

We will increase incentives for voluntary rebooking up to $10,000 and will be eliminating the red tape on permanently lost bags with a new “no-questions-asked” $1,500 reimbursement policy. We will also be rolling out a new app for our employees that will enable them to provide on-the-spot goodwill gestures in the form of miles, travel credit and other amenities when your experience with us misses the mark. You can learn more about these commitments and many other changes at hub.united.com.

While these actions are important, I have found myself reflecting more broadly on the role we play and the responsibilities we have to you and the communities we serve.

I believe we must go further in redefining what United’s corporate citizenship looks like in our society. You can and ought to expect more from us, and we intend to live up to those higher expectations in the way we embody social responsibility and civic leadership everywhere we operate. I hope you will see that pledge express itself in our actions going forward, of which these initial, though important, changes are merely a first step.

Our goal should be nothing less than to make you truly proud to say, “I fly United.”

Ultimately, the measure of our success is your satisfaction and the past several weeks have moved us to go further than ever before in elevating your experience with us. I know our 87,000 employees have taken this message to heart, and they are as energized as ever to fulfill our promise to serve you better with each flight and earn the trust you’ve given us.

We are working harder than ever for the privilege to serve you and I know we will be stronger, better and the customer-focused airline you expect and deserve.

With Great Gratitude,

Oscar Munoz

Oscar Munoz
United Airlines


  • 以后除了安全原因,不会强制要求乘客离机
  • 超售赔偿金上限提高到$10,000
  • 减少超售

在昨天的早些时候,美联航也发布了关于此次事件的公开报告:United Flight 3411 Review and Action Report (PDF),这里也简要节选一下关键点(翻译得比较仓促请见谅):

  • UA承认的错误之处:
    1. 没涉及安全原因就强制拖乘客下飞机
    2. 在最后时刻才给员工订座
    3. 补偿力度不足
    4. 员工缺乏处理类似情形的培训
  • UA承诺的改进点:
    1. 除非安全原因,不会强制乘客离机
    2. 已就坐乘客不会被非自愿(involuntarily)要求放弃行程
    3. 放弃登机的补偿提高到$10,000上限
    4. 建立客服小组专门为员工提供更好的解决方案
    5. 员工订座在起飞前60分完成
    6. 减少超售
    7. 要求员工当场解决乘客疑难
    8. 遗失行李补偿$1500




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